Respect at Work: Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Discrimination and Bystander Training 3 Hour Program (One on One and Sessional Groups)



3 Hour – Respectful Workplace Program (One on One and Sessional Groups)

High Interactive Group Session – Maximum Participants:  40 per session

Diversity Australia is the leading National supplier in Sexual Harassment training for organisations.  One of the biggest changes is new National and International Laws that are now highlighted with the recent disclosures across many industries that has created a wave of new allegations effecting many businesses globally.  As the leading provider and designer of training in the Respect @ Work we support your needs with purpose built programs to meet your needs.  All programs are uniquely customised to suit your organisation.  This sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination course is suitable for all of your employees, contractors and volunteers engaged in the your workplace. This course can be provided through face to face and virtual live delivery.

  • For Employees this Program is suitable for staff at all levels and is relevant for all workplaces aiming to educate generally about the negative impacts of discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment to meet the new Respect @ Work Laws and Legislation.
  • For employers an essential skill in the provision of training and awareness around sexual harassment, bullying, culturally appropriate services, gender and cultural awareness entails an understanding of how a person’s culture may inform their values, behaviour, beliefs and basic assumptions against the laws that prohibit these actions.

Employers need to make sure workers are safe from sexual harassment by creating safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces.  Individual One on One Person Delivery or Group Sessional Rate (capped at 50 People per session) are available. 


  • Introduction to Bullying and sexual harassment
  • Understanding Bullying and Sexual Harassment
  • Creating a harassment-free workplace
  • Sexual Harassment and the law
  • Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Bystander Laws, Legislation and Responsibilities
  • Tools and Skills to use in the workplace

Our Respect@Work Programs provide resources and training to bring together a comprehensive set of training and resources for employers and workers. It includes best-practice guides, training programs, workplace-assessment tools, information, videos and advice.  It is the first time all this information has been presented in a single place in Australasia.

Virtual Delivery offers the flexibility to run sessions across time zones and time slots outside normal working hours. Our virtual workshops are highly interactive and focus on the issues and challenges surrounding this complex topic and the most effective methods of encouraging compliance with legislation while helping to avoid problems.


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