As the leading provider and designer of training in the Respect @ Work we support your needs with purpose built programs to meet your needs. All programs are uniquely customised to suit your organisation.
Respectful Workplace Program
(Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination)
Online | Live Virtual | Face to Face Delivery options
These Programs are suitable for staff at all levels and is relevant for all workplaces aiming to educate generally about the negative impacts of discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment to meet the new Respect @ Work Laws and Legislation. For employers an essential skill in the provision of training and awareness around sexual harassment, bullying, culturally appropriate services, gender and cultural awareness entails an understanding of how a person’s culture may inform their values, behaviour, beliefs and basic assumptions against the laws that prohibit these actions.
This program is used by more than 1 Million people per annum in Australia and New Zealand.
Respectful Workplace
60-90 Min Program

Respectful Workplace
2 Hour Program

Respectful Workplace
2.5 Hour Program

Respectful Workplace
3 Hour Program

Respectful Workplace
4 Hour Program

Respectful Workplace
8 Hour Program

Respectful Workplace Full Online Program
45 Mins

Respectful Workplace – Sexual Harassment
30 Min Online Program

Respectful Workplace – Bullying & Harassment
35 Min Online Program